Paloma Creek Neighborhood Crime Watch

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Safety & Security Tip #8 - Charlie Bars

This week we will continue my disdain for sliding glass doors series and how to mitigate their risk. This is also great for COLLEGE students. It is an affordable option to SECURE ANY DOOR without changing the lock from the inside. I love Charlie bars and always kept an extra handy when I was changing locks. Their applications are endless and they can even be used on WINDOWS.

I have linked my favorite Charlie bar. Here is why I have chosen this model and what makes Charlie bars awesome:

  • You can use them on any window or door.

  • This one comes in a compact foldable model, so you can travel with it in your CHECKED luggage.

  • As a door security bar, it can be used with any knob on hardwood, vinyl, tile, and most carpeting; however, it can't be used on rugs or mats. The bottom foot pivots at angle, so it can gain maximum traction making it difficult to open a door in.

  • As a sliding glass door (or window) stopper, you remove the yoke (part that holds the doorknob) by releasing pin. It slides into place in the track.

  • Won't scratch or damage floors or damage with normal use.

  • NO TOOLS are required which makes it great for college dorms.

  • Heavy-duty 20 gauge steel

  • Adjustable height/length

Please have a SAFE and happy holiday and keep the great questions coming!!! I have a long list. I continue to add to it. So far, as a preview, we will cover the following subjects: general home exterior, doors, windows, garages, locks, home interiors, alarms, travel, identity theft, electricity, fire, gas, firearms, pools, children, disaster preparedness, and general tips. If you want to catch up or read more, you can read the tips on the blog.