Position Descriptions
Steering Committee - This group of people is a citizen’s advisory committee that decides on the priorities of business for the neighborhood crime watch and manages the general course of its operations. They write and develop Policies & Procedures and make changes as needed. They work closely with our law enforcement partners. The representatives have a particular expertise to lend to the project and/or a particularly vested interest. The scope of their duties includes, but are not limited to: provide advice; ensure achievement of project outcomes; provide input to the development of the crime watch; give evaluation strategy; advise on the budget and spending; define and help to achieve crime watch outcomes; identifying high priority goals (where the most energy/resources should be directed); identify potential risks; help mitigate risks; monitor risks; watch timelines; assess the quality crime watch as it develops; provide advice; and make decisions about changes to the crime watch as needed. Their aim is to provide support, guidance, expertise, and oversight to the neighborhood crime watch. Members do not usually work on the crime watch themselves in order to avoid a potential conflict of interest. The steering committee reports on progress and answers any questions raised by members through the Program Coordinator. They have meetings as needed. At this time, they are being appointed. These people need to be comfortable with potentially making decisions/having opinions that are best for the neighborhood in the sake of safety and security that may not always be the most popular with their neighbors. The committee will consist of three to five members.
Program Coordinator - This person is an administrator that maintains the website, publishes blogs, coordinates events, answer questions, assists in training, listens to concerns, and runs the program. The individual is responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the completion of all projects with the guidance of the steering committee while ensuring they are on time, on budget, and within scope. S/he is expected to attend all formal Steering Committee meetings. This person also needs to be comfortable with uncomfortable topics as all of the citizens’ concerns about the neighborhood crime watch are eventually addressed with/by this role. This person needs to be kind, caring, understanding, empathetic, and tactful, yet strong, steadfast, and direct. We are all neighbors and people. This person has the most contact with the public and needs to be able to handle conflict. This position is ideal for someone that is a tech-savvy and a retiree, disabled, or SAHM that loves people and our community. This person is appointed by the steering committee and serves at their leisure.
Assistant Program Coordinator - This person is an administrator that assists the Program Coordinator to organize events, coordinate in-person events in the program coordinator’s absence, answer questions, assist in training, and run the program. It is a role designed for development in training to advance into higher areas of leadership at the person’s pace. S/he is expected to attend all formal Steering Committee meetings. The ideal candidate is looking for personal growth and interested in giving back to the community. S/he is comfortable speaking in front of people, greeting others, and hasn’t met a stranger - just people they don’t know yet. This would be a great service opportunity for a young person (18+ due to safety and security reasons) or anyone young at heart. This person is appointed by the steering committee with feedback from the program coordinator, reports to the program coordinator, and serves at the steering committee’s leisure.
District Coordinator - There will be six District Coordinators that are divided by the FWSD/MUD territorial lines as well as one for Lakeside Estates. Lakeside Estates is the only portion of Paloma Creek that is located within city limits. Their duties are, but are not limited to: encourage others to have biannual meetings within their area; organize others to best cover the neighborhood; develop new leadership; alert Program Coordinator if additional assistance or resources are needed; serve as the main contact between the Program Coordinator and the neighborhood crime watch by disseminating information from the website, social media, newsletters, Little Elm Police Department, and other means provided, passing it on to neighbors; submit crime watch sign requests; hold informational meetings with neighbors semi-annually with a speaker (a Crime Prevention Officer can make presentations at these meetings or you can have a Block Party for a $50 fee and can be done with another District); and assist with dissemination of crime watch literature. The ideal candidate is extremely organized and has superior communication skills. The district coordinators are appointed by the steering committee and serve at their leisure.
Assistant District Coordinator - Due to their unique geographic layout or size, FWSD/MUD 8-A and 11-A will each have an Assistant. 8-A is split up into multiple pieces and 11-A is over 400 acres. The steering committee wants to ensure that they are given additional attention due to their qualities. Ideally, the person that is the assistant for 8-A should live on the other side of 380 from the District Coordinator who is already in North or South Paloma Creek, so there will be a point of contact on each side of the neighborhood. These people will be assisting the district coordinators directly, report to them, under the direction Program Coordinator. The assistant district coordinators appointed by the steering committee and serve at their leisure.
Captains - Captains may be assigned an entire street or more that include multiple “blocks” depending upon the number of homes that are included. This is usually a developmental position meant for someone that wants to learn and move up; however, it is also an excellent way to help serve the community by assisting your coordinator. The captains will have enough homes to form their own support systems; however, we don’t want them to be so large that they are overwhelming. It will be a delicate balance based upon demographic, experience, time the person has available, etc. This is a flexible position. Captains’ duties include, but are not limited to: attend meetings within their area; recruit new Captains; alert District Coordinator if any they are in need of additional assistance and resources; serve as a contact between the District Coordinator and the residents by disseminating information from the website, social media, newsletters, Little Elm Police Department, and other means provided, passing it on to the residents; submit crime watch sign requests to District Coordinator; attend informational meetings; assist with dissemination of crime watch literature; and notify District Coordinator if you are no longer able to perform your duties as assigned for any period of time. The goal is to have every area covered and fill in for one another as needed. The ideal candidate is organized and has great communication skills. Captains are appointed by the steering committee and serve at their leisure.
Trail Leaders - The trail leaders are people that are already running and/or walking on the trails in Paloma Creek who report any security and safety concerns, watch for suspicious activities, and report criminal activities. They will not be responsible for any homes, supervising others, etc. and report directly to the Program Coordinator. The ideal candidate is someone that is already committed to health, fitness, safety, security, and their community. The trail leaders are appointed by the steering committee.
Residents - That includes everyone who lives in Paloma Creek! Even if you rent a home, you are encouraged to join!
Law Enforcement - Little Elm Police Department provides police services for all of Paloma Creek. LEPD will respond no matter which part of Paloma Creek you reside in due to our unique relationship, so even if you have an Aubrey address, and/or you are aware most of us live outside of the city limits under the jurisdiction of the DCSO, Little Elm is the first to arrive.

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